A.Since its inception in 2001, the PCTP has trained more than 450 participants from different parts of the world. The long wait lists for enrolment, constant referrals, feedback from parents indicate the effectiveness of the programme. In an endeavour to support this through formal research as well, AFA in collaboration with UCLA is evaluating the programme longitudinally. Using both standardized measures and those developed for this study, the current evaluation provides an estimate of project impacts in key parent outcomes eight and fifteen months following the completion of a training program. The acceptance and empowerment focus of this model offers a novel way to conceptualize parent training, adds value to knowledge and behavioural training alone, and has high relevance for families in situations where cultural, economic and other contextual factors may be similar to those in India. For more information on this, please refer to our research section. 

A: Usually it is mothers who enrol in the programme with their respective children. However, we have also had fathers, grandparents, aunts, sisters and other primary caregiversenrol in the programme with the child in the past.

A: The programme is run threetimes a year, for a period of 9 to 12 weeks, sessions starting each January, July and September/October. The timings are from 9 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. every day from Monday to Friday (Other than last Fridays and any school/public holidays) at Action for Autism. There are around 10 – 15 parents and their children enrolled in each session.

A: Some families choose to stay with friends or relatives, while others are helped to find temporary housing near the centre. This can be a great experience for families, who often choose to live with or near other families whose children also have autism. In this way they can associate with other families having the same experiences as they are, making it a much less isolating experience.

It’s also great for the surrounding neighbourhood – the presence of so many differently-abled children over the years has created an understanding and supportive community for the kids at AFA. Exposure is the first step towards an accepting society.

A:In the early part of each session there are didactic lectures on various relevant topics to help you understand the rationale behind the practice, the ’whys’ that lead to the ‘hows’. Alongside, a therapist completes an assessment for each child. This assessment evaluates the child’s skill levels in all areas and serves as a guide for the ‘beginning programme’ that the therapist will plan for each child. The ‘beginning programme’ is individualized for each child, depending on his/her current strengths and needs. Concurrently, live demonstrations are conducted and hands on inputs are provided to help you start your work with your child and implement the beginning programme.

The Parent Child Training Programme is a part of Open Door, AFA’s day school, so mothers also take ideas from watching the teachers, staff, and parents. The Parent Child Training Programme families become a part of AFA and participate in events and activities at the centre such as picnics, outings, festival celebrations, annual day and the walk for autism, so there is always someone around to help generate ideas and give you support.

Each session of the PCTP has a pre-determined number of vacancies and registrations for a particular session at the PCTP are offered on a ‘first come first served basis’. The registration formalities can be completed at the front office at the National Centre of Autism, JasolaVihar. Should the family live outside Delhi, the registration process can also be completed online. Should you wish to know more about this option please contact us or write a mail to [email protected]

Any child with a diagnosis of autism can be part of the PCTP. Even if the child has any other condition that co exists with the autism and we feel that the family would benefit from the PCTP, we offer admission to the family. In the past we have had children with autism with co-existing conditions of intellectual impairment, hearing impairment, mild cerebral palsyetc attending the PCTP.

Whilst being part of the PCTP, the family can access a number of other services offered at AFA that address different needs and strengthen various skills. In fact, we do encourage families, especially outstation families, to explore other services at AFA during their stay at Delhi, so as to make the most of their time at AFA and Delhi. Click here to read more about more services offered at AFA.

Parenting a child with autism, can often seem to be a very daunting and isolating experience, one in which we may often have to move away from more 'traditional' parenting beliefs and approach parenting from a completely novel set of beliefs and skills. Further, given the fact that autism is a social communication disorder, 'teaching' can never be confined to just table top, one on one work. Every waking moment of the child can be a teaching opportunity from teaching communication, social and play skills, self-help skills and so on. These are some of the factors that are core to the philosophy of the PCTP. The philosophy of the programme is one of parent empowerment, helping a parent understand and accept their child's autism and unique learning style and equipping them with strategies to enable them guide the child ahead and be an integral part of the child's progress in every skill area and sphere of life. This process of empowerment often leads to lowered stress levels and results in a happier family environment and thus, to a calmer, happier child.

The PCTP is a day programme and not a residential one.

Meals are not provided for at the programme. To facilitate teaching self-help skills, the parents are requested to provide the children with a small snack. In addition, there is a cafeteria on the premises, where breakfast and lunch are prepared and may be purchased.

For details of current programme charges you could contact us or email us at [email protected], we would like to mention that exemptions may be considered for those families who may find it difficult to bear the costs of the programme, on the basis of individual tax return forms.

For any further information you could email us at [email protected] or contact us.